VESSEL TYPE: purse seine commercial fishing vessel.
POWER: twin diesel inboards with propeller.
HULL TYPE: fiberglass.
BUILDER: Ledford Marine with Seaworthy hull design.
TONNAGE: 29 gross / 23 net.
VESSEL TYPE: purse seine commercial fishing vessel.
POWER: twin diesel inboards with propeller.
HULL TYPE: fiberglass.
BUILDER: Ledford Marine with Seaworthy hull design.
TONNAGE: 29 gross / 23 net.
BEAM: 17’
DRAFT: 3’ 7”
CRUISING SPEED: 10 knots @ 1450 RPM (cruise).
FUEL CONSUMPTION: 13 GPH total @ cruise.
STABILITY TEST: Bruce Culver, P.E. #12912.
HULL CONSTRUCTION: molded fiberglass.
HULL DESCRIPTION: displacement monohull with raked bow, vee bottom with full keel and twin half tunnels, hard chine, and elliptical transom.
BULKHEADS: (5) fiberglass over foam core.
DECK: fiberglass over foam core.
BULWARKS: 15” high molded fiberglass with UHMW protection on cap-rail, stainless-steel hawse hole on transom, and scuppers cut into aft bulwarks for drainage.
SEACOCKS: (8) ball and butterfly valves, all replaced new in 2013; in working condition.
CONDITION: Hull was inspected visually when dry-docked and appeared in good condition, without major damage, nearly free of dents and scratches. One scratch was found starboard, forward of midship but – not a concern. Deck was sound and watertight. All seacocks were replaced with new in 2013 – exercised and all in working condition.
CABIN CONSTRUCTION: molded fiberglass.
VENTILATION: natural through entry doors and side sliding windows.
Dickinson Adriatic, diesel.
Emerson microwave oven, 110v.
(2) cabin heaters, 110v.
SINK: double stainless-steel with H/C faucet.
(4) v-berths in forepeak.
(1) bunk in stateroom.
(1) day bunk in main cabin area.
(1) bunk in top house.
HEAD: enclosed with marine toilet with holding tank, shower, and vanity with sink.
(1) Norcold model DE828 fridge & freezer, 12v/110v.
(1) Kenmore 6 cu.ft. chest freezer, 110v.
DINETTE: formica-lined wood table with two facing benches; seating for six with storage underneath.
CONDITION: Good condition – well designed and has been well maintained over the years.
MAKE/MODEL: (2) Lugger model 6125A; 460 HP each (920 HP total).
TYPE: diesel, inline 6-cylinder, turbocharged, aftercooled.
SERIAL #: port: 1251-0812 / starboard: 1251-0616.
TACH GAUGE HOURS: port: 19,916 / starboard: 19,045
EXHAUST: dry; lagged and wrapped.
COOLING: keel cooled.
TRANSMISSION: (2) Twin Disc MG-509-1 with ratio of 2.040 : 1 (starboard transmission installed new 2021).
VENTILATION: natural through two engine room vents.
SAFETY ALARMS: low oil pressure, high water temperature, pyrometer, turbo boost meter, and gear oil pressure.
(4) Parker Racor 1000.
(2) secondary filter off engine.
DRIVE: (2) 30” x 24” bronze propeller with 2.5” stainless-steel drive shaft with dripless stuffing boxes.
CONDITION: Good condition by visual survey. No equipment tested. New injector pump on port engine in 2021. New transmission on starboard engine in 2021. New fuel lines for starboard engine in 2021.
TYPE: diesel, 4 stroke, 3.3 liter, 4-cylinder, turbocharged.
GENERATOR: Northern Lights 45kW
EXHAUST: wet; through aluminum pipe, exhaust hose, and an aluminum lift muffler.
COOLING: raw water; intake from thru-hull, through two bronze sea strainers, into heat exchanger.
(1) Parker Racor 900.
(1) secondary filter on engine.
LOCATION: centerline lazarette.
APPLICATION: ship’s 110/208 A.C. power and hydraulic pump.
CONDITION: Good condition – well maintained. Exhaust was not secured
HELMSMEN STATIONS: (4) stations: port and starboard in top house, forward starboard work deck, and crow’s nest.
STEERING TYPE: hydraulic; Sea Star helms and T-3 tiller ram with connecting rod between rudder posts.
THROTTLE / SHIFTING: ZF Micro Commander 9000 series.
CONDITION: Good condition – well maintained.
FUEL CAPACITY: 1,500 gallons of diesel.
TANKS: (2) 750-gal. fiberglass over aluminum, saddle tanks port and starboard in lazarette.
FUEL LINES: ½” USCG Type B & ½” stainless-steel pipe.
FUEL VENTS: yes, to atmosphere.
FUEL – continued from page 5.
SHUT OFF VALVES: yes, at tanks and at manifold near Racors.
CONDITION: Good condition. Some minor surface rust noted at valves and fittings; no chaffing or leaks noted. Tank Tender to gauge level of port and starboard tanks.
WATER CAPACITY: 300 gallons of potable water.
TANK: (1) 300-gal. aluminum, located under forepeak sole.
WATER PUMP: ParMax, 12v.
WATER HEATER: 6-gal. tanked, engine heat.
CONDITION: Good condition.
Thermal-Tex 20 ton refrigerated sea water system:
Refrigerant: R-22 Freon.
Chiller: IMS chiller.
Compressor: Carrier 5F-40.
Circulation: 4” x 5” Vertiflo with 5 HP Baldor Reliance, 208v.
Condenser: Dayton, 208v.
BILGE PUMPS: (2) Rule 2000 with automatic float switch, 12v, located in engine room and lazarette.
WASHDOWN PUMP: (2) 1 ½” Jabsco, hydraulic. Used for washdown or emergency engine room dewatering.
CONDITION: Very good condition. New Baldor circulation pump motor installed 2021. New sea chest butterfly valve installed in 2021.
(1) Vickers 60/40, direct drive off front of port engine with Pitts PTO.
(1) Vickers 13 GPH, belt driven off port engine.
(1) Vickers 35 GPH, direct drive on front of auxiliary engine with electromagnetic clutch.
TANK: (1) 80-gal. welded aluminum, located engine room.
CONDITION: Good condition – hoses, valves, pumps and tank all in good condition.
ANCHOR WINCH: Kolstrand single capstan, hydraulic.
ANCHOR: (1) 50 kg. Bruce with reportedly 100’ of ½” galvanized steel chain and 100’ of 1” Samson purse line.
CONDITION: Good condition. Well maintained. Shackles seized with stainless-steel wire.
FISH HOLD & HATCHES: estimated capacity of 50,000 lbs. in two insulated fiberglass holds (30k in forward hold and 20k in aft hold), both plumbed with refrigerated sea water and accessed by aluminum hatch covers.
MAST: (1) 6” O.D. Schedule 80 aluminum with strong backs and a fiberglass crow’s nest atop.
A-FRAME / STAYS: 3” O.D. Schedule 80 aluminum A-frame support.
MAIN BOOM: (1) 8” x 26’ O.D. Schedule 80 aluminum with strong backs and a seine block track with hydraulic ram slider.
PICKING BOOM: (2) 4” x 18’ O.D. Schedule 80 aluminum with strong backs.
DAVITS: (2) Kolstrand stainless-steel roller with fairleads.
(1) Pullmaster PL5, picking, hydraulic.
(1) Pullmaster PL4, topping, hydraulic.
(1) Rotzler on port side, hydraulic.
(1) Pullmaster PL4 on starboard side, hydraulic.
PURSE SEINE BLOCK: Kolstrand 26” open face w/ swivel & gripper wheel, hydraulic.
DECK WINCH: Kolstrand model SW1NT; serial #:1488.
CONDITION: Good to very good condition. All stainless-steel goosenecks and pins in good condition. Hydraulic lines have chaffing/UV protection. New Rotzler winch on port picking boom in 2021.
(1) Standard Horizon Quest X.
(1) Icom IC-M504.
CB RADIOS: RadioShack.
Furuno NavNet 3D.
Garmin GPSmap XSV.
Furuno GPS/WAAS Navigator.
RADAR: Furuno 1940, 48 mile.
Datamarine International Offshore.
Furuno FCV0 663.
AUTOPILOT: ComNav 2001 with ComNav 201 remotes.
COMPASS: Daiko 7”, magnetic.
WATCH CLOCK: RDI Bridge watch
OTHER: Ship monitoring cameras in lazarette and engine room with monitor screen in top house with Elbex Video Switcher. Garmin InReach.
CONDITION: Very good condition.
TYPE: 12 V.D.C. & 110/208 V.A.C.
D.C. from marine alternators off main engines.
D.C. from automatic battery charger model ABC 12-45.
A.C. from Auxiliary #1.
A.C. from a 30-amp shore power plug.
D.C. & A.C. from Freedom model 25 inverter / charger.
(5) Interstate 8D, 12v, located in fiberglass battery box in engine room. Spare in wheel house.
(2) Legend Group 27, 12v, located in plastic battery box in Lazarette.
OVERLOAD PROTECTION: Ledford Marine A.C. breaker panel with source selector, reverse polarity safety light, volt/amp meters. Ledford Marine D.C. breaker panel with volt/ meters.
WIRING: Secured insulated wire
CONDITION: Very good condition – well maintained panel, all circuits clearly labeled, wiring secured to ABYC standards, and batteries secured in battery boxes. New ground wires installed 2013.
PFD: (6) immersion suits.
THROWABLE DEVICE: (1) USCG type IV life ring with attached line.
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: (6) Amerex dry chemical (A:B:C), throughout cabin; gauges in the green.
BILGE ALARMS: yes, high water alarms in forward bilge and aft bilges.
VISUAL SIGNALS: Day and Night flares, expires May 31, 2023.
SOUND SIGNALS: Ship general alarm.
VAPOR DETECTORS: carbon monoxide detector. Freon leak monitor.
USCG PLACARDS: yes, posted in cabin.
NAVIGATION LIGHTINGS: yes, for vessel size and duty.
CONDITION: Vessel had appropriate safety items onboard and all in very good condition. The life raft packing inspection had expired; not shown in Findings & Recommendations as it is not required for vessel duty and area fished.
The F/V is a shallow draft, displacement monohull with a raked bow, full keel, hard chine, twin half tunnel and an elliptical transom. Forward is fiberglass cabin and top house with wrap-around decks, work deck aft, and fish hold and lazarette under the work deck. The aft work deck is of a typical seiner configuration with deck capstan, main mast, main boom, two picking booms, power block, and hydraulic winches to orchestrate the operations of seine fishing. Hydraulics are running off a 60/40 Vickers pump, Vickers 13 GPM and a Vickers 35 GPM. Under deck, the vessel is supported by five bulkheads. Most forward is v-berth located in the forepeak, accessed through cabin. Aft to port in forepeak is stateroom with bunk, vanity with sink, and cabinetry for storage. Aft to starboard in forepeak is tool room. Next aft is the engine room, accessed through cabin sole. It houses the twin main engines, RSW system, sea chest, batteries, and is drained by Rule bilge pump. Next aft is the insulated fiberglass fish hold; estimated capacity of 30,000 lbs., plumbed for RSW, and covered by three aluminum hatches fitted to raised combing flush. Next aft is the insulated fiberglass fish hold; estimated capacity of 20,000 lbs., plumbed for RSW, and covered by aluminum hatches fit to raised combing. Final aft is the lazarette; accessed through a Baywood hatch in aft deck and houses the two diesel tanks, auxiliary engine and twin rudder posts.
The cabin is accessed through a companionway in the aft starboard cabin. The cabin was finished in Formica paneling on walls and overhead with teak trim, Formica countertops, and a vinyl sole. To starboard is an enclosed head with marine Jabsco marine toilet, shower, and a vanity with sink. Next forward is day bunk, RSW, and then built-in staircase to top house. At centerline is access to forepeak. To forward port is dinette with fixed formica-lined wood table and two facing bench seating, seating for six. Port aft is the galley with countertops with lower cabinetry, Norcold fridge, Dickinson heater / stove, microwave, and toaster oven. The fiberglass top house is integrated on top and forward of cabin. It is accessed through an aluminum door to port on flybridge. The top house has navigation counter positioned forward with controls, electronics, AC and DC panels, and autopilot, bunk set aft, safety gear, and two Captain seats.
NEW Yanmar Generator 2024
Seiner, Seine Skiff & PWS Salmon Seine Net PACKAGE: $525,000
Note: Would make a great Charter Vessel!
Contact Margaret Arvidson
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Important Disclaimer: Copper River Boats & Permits LLC is acting as a broker and simply posting information provided to us by sellers. Our brokers have not inspected any of the items listed on the website. As such, we do not warrant the condition of any vessel, gear, equipment, or crew member listed on our site. All buyers must do their own due diligence and inspect the item being purchased. Buyer Beware. We provide no warranties express or implied.
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